
Civil Building: Case History

Udine, Italy: new Hospital Complex E-mail


Owner:Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria “Santa Maria della Misericordia”
Location: Udine - Italy
Contract amount :60.688.892,64 euro
Construction: 2016–2019

Project Description
Theprojectconsists of designand constructionofone buildingdivided intothree bodies: "D" Hospitalization-"C" Connectiveand"P" highspecialty units, fora total of about56,000square meters.
The buildingiscomprised of 7 floorswitha capacity of365bedsandnineoperating rooms.
The basement - level"-2" - Wherethe technologicaland warehouses substations are located; the basement - level"-1" is divided as follows: the underground section, which will be used as centralized locker rooms;andthecentralabovegroundsection, will be used for to theemergencydepartment, meeting roomsandoffices.
The ground"0" will beusedforambulatoryareas, same-day surgeryandintensive care.
Threelevels will be usedfor hospitalization areasandhigh-riskcare(intensive care units andoperating units).
The medical studiesare plannedon the 4thlevel.

The Projectalso includes the followingworks:

- Modificationof the road systemin the initial sectionof “ViaColugna”, with the construction ofa parking lot;
- Relocation of the “Ledra” channelandof the underground acqueductpipeline;
- Landscaping, the construction of the external merchandise unloading dock and the sewer system.